Ijaza is an intensive program in the study and practice of basic tenets of Islam. Its aim is to establish a solid foundation for and equip students with the tools essential to enable them to become life-long learners and practitioners of their faith. To achieve this aim, students will engage in specific learning activities, including Quran memorization and Khatmul-Quran with Tajweed (melodious recitation of the entire Quran). This program will also result in other long-lasting positive side effects, including socialization with peers; forming life-long friendships; and building resiliency, self-esteem, and confidence in oneself.


Students must be six (6) years of age or older, and able to read and write in English. All Students will be assessed for placement in the proper level at the beginning of the year.


Students are divided into three (3) groups, depending on their proficiency in Arabic and ability to read and memorize the Quran:

  • Group 1 – Boot Camp. The focus of this group is on learning to recognize and read the Arabic alphabets, followed later in the year by reading small Surahs and limited memorization. Student spend the first year at this level, although some may be prompted to Group 2 if they make significant progress before the end of the year. 
  • Group 2 – Juzu Amma. The focus of this group is on memorizing the entirety of Juzu Amma (Quran Part 30  – Surahs #78-114) and Khatm Al-Quran.
  • Group 3 – Juzu Amma+. The focus of this group is on memorizing additional, select Surahs of the Quran as recommended by the teaching staff.

Please note:

  • Within each Group, student learn in sub-groups matched by age and/or proficiency level within their Group.
  • In addition to the memorization, all students spend dedicated time each week reading the Quran with Tajweed and reading proficiency, with the goal of finishing the entire Quran (Khatm) before they graduate from the program.


Students meet virtually three (3) days a week 5:00 – 7:00 PM in two sub-groups (matched for age and/or proficiency level within their Group) for a total contact is 3 hours/week/student).


Teachers Expectations:

  • Starting and ending class on time.
  • Assessing student need: Reading and Memorization.
  • Communicating homework to Parents.
  • Communicating with parents for delays and postponement of classes.
  • Technology: Teachers must have Camera and Microphone turned on.

Student Expectations:

  • Attendance – be in class on time. Late arrivals over 30 minutes are marked as an Absence.
  • Excused Absences – any excuse is accepted as long as parents notify the teacher prior to class.
  • Unexcused Absences – missing 3 class within two weeks will result in Academic Review.
  • Homework – students are expected to practice as directed by teacher. Students who fail to do homework will be given a daily Homework timesheet to be signed by a parent.



For questions and information, please email us at or call 860-673-9630.